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A sixteen year old from Melboure who has decided that she is going to express her pet peves with the world and she couldnt care less who doesnt agree with her!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

You know you’re in love when:
* you read the texts he hasn’t sent you, over and over again
* you think about him, the whole world seems to stop spinning
* you’re with him, nothing else matters
* the simple sound of his voice can calm you down
* you can sit in total silence with him, and just let the unspoken thing be said.
* he smiles at you, you melt inside.
* you count the hours until you see him again
* you cant sleep until you have said goodnight to him
* the first thing that you think of when you wake up, is him
* you can stop him in a crowd of thousands, with ease
* you kiss him and your head seems to be in a fog for hours afterwards

And finally, you’ll know your in love when
* He tells you that he loves you, and you don’t need to think about your answer. When “I love you” is you’re natural reaction.


Monday, April 6, 2009

God Damn Social Networking Sites!

i have a very addictive nature. i am big enough to admit that..
and the social networking site twitter, should know that too!!
today i sat down to update what i am up to on my beloved twitter site when..
"Twitter is curruntly undergoing matinence.. chill out!"
Those Bastards!!


Thought of the day.. Number one:

When chicks are sick... we eat some chocolate, have a cup of tea and move on.. but when the supposedly superior human species gets ill, the whole world is turned on its head! they sook and whine as though they are the only person in the history of the world to ever get sick! they what the whole world to stop and make them a cup of chicken soup.. now i finally understand why women have kids.. the guys in the world couldnt handle it...


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Second thought for the day...

Our friends are meant to be the people we trust the most.. right? So why can they destroy everything!!!!!!

We all have that one friend that causes havoc when they walk into a room right? they can cause a full scale war that could rival the first and second world wars rolled into one.. but we love them anyway..

what happens when you stop wanting them around? when you just want them to go away so no one else gets hurt?

do you just bite the bullet and tell them, or hope they get the hint and bugger off??

when your sanity and that of thoes around you is on the brink of destruction.. what do you do?


Thought No. 1 for the day...

Why do guys have such an impact on the lives of women!!
they have seem to have more of a say in our lives than our friends do..
think about this.. When you are going to a girlfriends place to watch a movie.. you dont get all dressed up.. half the time you end up arriving in your P.J's, no make up and our hair being everywhere.. then why the hell do we always try to look so good when we go out? becuase there is a chance that you will meet the guy of your dreams.. the key word there is GUY!! why oh why do we care so much about what they think!